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July Birthstone: History, Meaning & Jewellery

Jewellery & Watch News

Enchanting everyone who passes it with its spellbinding crimson shades, Ruby is the July birthstone. Many regard its lavish red tones as some of the best, considered just as valuable, if not more, than diamond. Since it was first discovered, Ruby has been coveted by the wealthy and poor alike, counted among the cardinal stones for its extravagant beauty. Those with a birthday in July are truly fortunate including those celebrating their 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.

History of Ruby

The name for the July birthstone originates from the Latin word “rubens” which neatly translates to the colour red. The year of its discovery is unknown, but in the first century AD, Roman scholar Pliny included rubies in his Natural History describing their hardness and density. Ruby has also been called the most precious of the 12 stones created by God and is mentioned four times in the Bible in association with characteristics like beauty and intelligence.

Ancient Hindus believed that those who offered fine rubies to the god Krishna were granted rebirth as emperors and in Burma, a place where rubies have been sourced since at least 600 AD, warriors possessed rubies in belief they made them invincible in battle. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, ruby is also called ratnaraj, or “king of precious stones.” One of the world’s most famous rubies is the Liberty Bell ruby. Discovered in east Africa in the 1950’s, it broke records as the largest mined ruby in the world and was valued at two million dollars. Then in 2011, the gemstone was stolen and although the thieves were caught and prosecuted, the ruby has never been recovered.

Where is Ruby Found?

As we have already mentioned, one of the oldest recorded sources for rubies is Burma, now known as Myanmar. For more than five centuries, this area has produced some of the world’s best examples of the July birthstone including pigeon blood rubies, a deep red variation considered to be the best hue. Vietnam is another important country for sourcing Ruby particularly the Luc Yen region in northern Vietnam which has seen purplish and deep red rubies found. Other sources of Ruby include Mozambique, Thailand, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar.

Properties of Ruby

The most important property of Ruby is its colour which can be found varying from lighter reds to deep, dark crimsons that almost appear purple. The July birthstone also boasts a brilliant clarity and as a variety of mineral corundum with a crystalline make, visibility can be seen through it. On the Mohs Scale of Hardness, ruby is ranked 9th, just one below diamond which is the strongest gemstone of all.

Ruby Jewellery

Whether you’re celebrating a July birthday, buying for a partner for your 15th or 40th wedding anniversary or you’re simply in love with the enchanting red tones of the gemstone, Ruby jewellery is a must-have for every sophisticated lady. Its wonderfully versatile properties means it can be worn for all occasions and when paired with other gemstones, like diamond or Whitby Jet, its contrasting composition looks truly extraordinary.

You can shop a huge range of Ruby jewellery and July birthstone jewellery on the C W Sellors website including Ruby necklaces, Ruby pendants, Ruby bracelets, Ruby earrings, Ruby rings, Ruby brooches and Ruby cufflinks. Get in touch with the team today for more information on the Ruby gemstone and the interest free finance and free next day delivery available.
