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How To Choose A Diamond

Be it an engagement ring, necklace, bracelet, birthday present, Christmas present or even a treat for yourself, diamonds always come to mind when purchasing jewellery. At C W Sellors, we pride ourselves in the diamonds we use for our jewellery pieces, using only those of a high standard and sourced only from legitimate suppliers.

Many diamond retailers like to create the illusion that a 'diamond is a diamond', but this could not be further from the truth. There are a number of things to consider when purchasing any diamond jewellery.


The number of cuts (or sides) a diamond has is one of the first things you should consider. When light enters a diamond, it reflects from one cut to another, helping the diamond to dazzle and glow. A cheaper diamond will often have far less cuts, and as a result, won’t sparkle nearly as much as you would want. At C W Sellors, our brilliant cut diamonds have approximately 100 cuts, creating a sparkle at every movement.


In every meaning of the word, a diamond is a rock, sourced from the earth just like any mineral. At C W Sellors, we only use the best diamonds for our jewellery. Many high street retailers often use imperfect diamonds with other stones or minerals set within the gem itself. Referred to as inclusions, the imperfections appear as small black spots inside the diamond. While these aren’t always seen at a glance, bear in mind that these inclusions can block the light as it bounces around inside, again, having a negative influence on how it sparkles.


A diamond should be clearer than glass, looking closely enough, you can often see the whole light spectrum boasting a rainbow-like effect inside the stone. Some diamonds however have a yellow tint or a clouded look to them which will hinder this, especially when set in an eternity ring or other cluster setting causing them to stand out and appear dull.

diamond chart


Our diamonds are selected bearing all of the above in mind for maximum customer satisfaction. C W Sellors diamonds aim to be no less than an H on a diamond colour chart, certified as ‘near colourless’. On a clarity chart, we aim to provide no less than ‘VVS2’ which is certified as only ‘very very slight inclusions’ which would not hinder any light as it passes through the stone. You can purchase with confidence that you are getting the finest quality, certain to put a smile on the wearers face.

View our selection of diamond jewellery.
