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Celebrating 45 years 1979 - 2024

Employee of the Month

Jewellery & Watch News




Name: Adam Thorley

Job Title: Silversmith

Time at C.W Sellors: 9 Months

 What part of your job you enjoy most?

I really enjoy having a job that allows me to be hands on and creative, producing beautiful hand crafted pieces of jewellery for people to enjoy. Within my day to day work I carry out many processes of jewellery making such as, designing, moulding, cutting, filing and my favourite being soldering which I find really satisfying!

What is your role and what key skills do you use?

I work within the metal workshop at C.W Sellors head office and my role within the company mainly consists of working with our retail orders. I make up various pieces of jewellery by hand as well as taking castings through various processes. The majority of these processes include traditional jewellery making techniques such as soldering, saw piecing, finishing and polishing. My eye for detail ensures that I strive to make pieces that are miraculous in detail and are the highest possible standards for our customers.

What are the most rewarding parts of your job?

I get great satisfaction from producing pieces of work that challenge me. When working with precious metals there is little room for error, so when I am working with a piece of jewellery that is difficult to construct once the job is completed and everything has ran smoothly it really fills me with confidence and gives a massive sense of achievement.

What do you consider to be your biggest personal success at the company so far?

Probably the range of skills I have acquired from my colleagues within the workshop whilst working for C.W Sellors. Each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses and so we all work together and help each other out when needed. This is a great way to learn as you pick up so many more skills, techniques and alternative ways of achieving something. Some of my colleagues have been working in the C.W Sellors jewellery workshops for over 30 years so they have tremendous experience and knowledge of jewellery making.

What first attracted you to a career in jewellery?

Since a young age I have always enjoyed creating things by hand, I like the concept of making things that have a meaning to people and a sense of permanence. I also have a keen interest in body adornments myself and therefore thought a career within jewellery would be well suited to me.

What is your Favourite gemstone and why?

I am a big fan of the Cross Heart collection that C.W Sellors have designed and made, they are labour intensive to create and I admire the skill involved in cutting the semi-precious gemstones which feature within this range. My particular favourite within the collection is the Whitby Jet and Sterling Silver combination, it offers such a contrast and creates a really classic looking eye catching piece of jewellery. There are a number of items available within this collection so you can collect necklaces, earrings and bracelets in your chosen metal and gemstones.
